
The Xiao Chuan-Guo hospital is situated in Shenzhen, China, a city renowned for its international outlook and openness to economic development. Utilizing the Xiao procedure technique, the hospital offers effective treatment to patients globally who are suffering from conditions such as spina bifida, paraplegia, and neurogenic bladder resulting from gynecological surgeries.

Xiao Procedure

The Xiao procedure, developed by Professor Xiao Chuan-Guo, creates a new reflex arc by regenerating somatic motor nerves and working together with autonomic nerves. This advancement not only treats neurogenic bladder significantly but also restores urinary and fecal functions effectively, marking a significant progress in addressing visceral dysfunctions.

Grounded in Patient-Centered Research

Since 2006, the Xiao procedure has been performed in over 5,000 cases at numerous hospitals both in China and abroad, including Shenzhen Xiao Chuan-Guo Hospital. Professor Xiao continues to research to enhance the procedure’s efficacy and safety, to broaden its applications, and to make the surgery accessible to patients worldwide.

Why choose us

Easy Appointments

Our hospital is committed to ensuring convenient and hassle-free appointment scheduling for patients, and we also offer free medical evaluations, allowing them to access our services with ease.

Cutting-edge Technology

Based on the xiao procedure, which is the only effective surgery for neurogenic bladder, we utilize cutting-edge technology to deliver advanced and efficient treatments to patients around the world.

Lifetime Service

We are dedicated to providing lifelong care and support to our patients, ensuring their well-being even after treatment. Additionally, we guarantee free retreatment if the initial treatment is ineffective.

Low Cost

Due to its location in China, our hospital is able to provide cost-effective healthcare solutions, even without insurance coverage, while maintaining high treatment standards.

Success Stories

Professor Xiao Chuan-Guo’s team has conducted over 5000 Xiao procedures worldwide. With a success rate of over 85% in treating different neurogenic bladder patients, the Xiao procedure not only tackles urinary incontinence but also resolves fecal incontinence. Explore these success stories.

Our Patients

Based on estimates from only 20 million spinal cord injury patients and 10 million spina bifida patients worldwide, it is estimated that there are at least 10 million cases of severe neurogenic bladder requiring similar xiao procedures for treatment globally. Learn more about our patient care process.

10 Million $

Research Budget


Patients healed

32 Doctors

working for you

20 Years

of experience

Visit Xiao Chuan-Guo Hospital

Our hospital is located in Shenzhen, the most vibrant and international city in China. Here, we are able to provide a high standard of treatment environment and low-cost expenses for global patients. We also offer excellent training programs for professionals who wish to learn the xiao procedure. We believe that Shenzhen Xiao Chuan-Guo Hospital is the best starting point as a platform for treating neurogenic bladder worldwide.


Here, you can book a journey to the hospital for medical treatment

Free Evaluation

We provide free treatment evaluations for patients with neurogenic bladder worldwide

Free Training

We provide comprehensive training on the Xiao procedure for doctors worldwide